Friday, April 3, 2009


woo..i want to buy shopaholic series!!!nk jgk,nk jgk...!!!

first thing unlucky fren and not to mention how unlucky i am,couldn't go to the book festival in kota bharu just bcoz we do not pay the fee YET..hello????we put our name in the 'who want to go to the book festival' list since last SUNDAY ok??and on WEDNESDAY,we're trying to find the teacher in charge for this matter but we couldn't find her until it was 1.45 pm(not to mention 2.00 is school out)..and we've found out that our name have been rejected bcoz of late payment sort of things..what the !@#$%&*.. deym!padahal kiteorg dh carik dye since awal pagi lg..and after jmpa dye,berita buruk ni yg kami dapat?????hello?!kiteorg bkn xdek duit la..just lambat bayar..tu pon kiteorg dh pnat cari dye...argh!!tension

second,my mum still has that ugly and sort of ketinggalan zaman and sceptical thought about english mum knows how much i love reading english novel..she thought dat i will put my study behind and neglect it just to finish the english novels that i will bought..dear mum,i will never neglect my studies..i know how much important study is..i juz want to improve my english yet i also want to know how to write..i'll learn all of this if i buy that book..plisss...(im begging as my mum will read my so stupid)

oh help me please..hu3..tata..(saying goodbye with a sad and pity face)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

mashi2..arigato!!mowning.. =) cool ler pagik2 neh..heheh..anyway..i miss u capati..woo..dh la cejok2 cmni,dye plak xde kdit..biasanya,dye la yg wat aku warm sesaaaaangat di pagi hari..(i meant with his words and smile ok?nothing more than that..)love u cyg..jga diri ek??waahahaha..siyes malu bile ckp cmni...wakakaka start to blabber..hehee..ape2 pom,aku mnyampah dgn connection kt umah aku nerh..dr td try nk jdik follower arisunshine and fatma nadia tp tak jadik2 ag..nerh wat aku geram nih..lalalala..skrg aku ngah minat lagu deeper conversation and dan sebenarnya..kedua2nya dr yunalis..dua2 lagu ni buat aku teringat kt capati..huhuhu..ape2 pom...

eh..nape aku suke sbot ape2 pom erk???demam chikuape2pomnga ke??wakaka

btw,aku and the gang bercadang nk buat art and theater club..kiteorg akn manage sndri kelab ni kt sekolah tp under supervisor yg bertauliah la..aku cma nk naikkan nama sekolah jer..kiteorg akn try la msuk pertandingan and we're also try to do our best and win!!! la kn?xsalah untuk tonjolkan bakat yg ada but in a good way(boleh naik nama sekolah and tambah markah ko-kurikulum)

k,la..itu saje coretan dr jariku yg dh pnat menaip..hehhehe..


deeper conversation

hehe..ngade2 je amik tajuk lagu last..nothing is compared to the freedom and blissful condition in ur own home..when the wind touch the skin..ahh..what a relief..the feeling that you have when laying on ur own warm..semua ni tak ku rase bile di SEMEPEH..

anyway,talking bout SEMEPEH,aku cume than 4 ari je kt sna..tu pon dh rase depressed sesangat..n skrg........IM HOME!!!hehe..suke sesangat bile dpt belajar di sekolah hati ku telah dirobek-robek bila salah seorg cikgu ckp aku n aisya(kwn aku yg balik dr SEMEPEH gak)mental lemah..wooo..we're so not!!!(smbil wat isyarat loser guna jari)..we're just so not going to stay there and adapt our self to that undicipline condition,okay???next year,we're going to sit for the most important exam,,what we do is only and will always be only for our future..buat ape nk menyantap suasana yg xkondusif sedangkan our study is still hanging by the clothesline..we nver want to risk our study just to stay at that damn i rite??

anyway,this is da list of our reason for not staying there..

1)sekolah tu x disiplin langsung!
2)cikgu2 sendiri benci newbies without any reasonable reason
3)pelajar2 sekolah tu xstudy langsung(mentang2 la dh selesa kt SBP)
4)markah dyeorg is so lame..
5)we dont want to risk our study

nevertheless,my journey there is only for 4 days and i still consider that as a dream..not to mention that it was a nightmare..but..i found treasures lovely friends..fatma nadia,nini,fatma,syifa,nad,fatihah and rmai gak x ingat name dh..sbnrnya bkn x ingat,tp confused..hehe..

anyway,belajar kt mna2 pun sma..cuma cara kita study and how consistent our study that counts..k,la..itu saje..tata